GTAO Vlogs ..."About Us"
Thanks for visiting Gold, Treasures, Adventures, & Outdoors Vlogs Channel's Website!! Join our various adventures, ...Share, Subscribe. Support us as you are able so we can continue and grow!! The support is helpful and appreciated! We
plan to cover all aspects of gold recovery in different parts of the
world, all aspects of metal detecting including on land, in shallow and
deep water, relic and coin recovery, coin hunting, gem and mineral mining, and also meteorite hunting, location, and identification.
After a career in elderly care as a small business, I have changed directions and begun to create videos to share about prospecting, mining, and adventures in the outdoors and traveling. I got started Treasure Hunting decades ago with dad in the deserts of the American West, fell in love with the Adventure, the history, and the outdoors. Years later, my prospecting and mining for placer GOLD began and well ...I caught the GOLD FEVER. We have located and own some gold claims and are actively seeking others. We will present various types of store bought gear and DIY items as
well!! Thanks for coming along and let's have some fun!!
To share these
experiences with our AMAZING viewers and continue and grow, gold bearing Pay-Dirts and or Concentrates
from dry washing from American placer gold deposits will be for sale and with occasional
drawings free Pay-Dirts mailed to Subscribers of our channel as a thank
you for their support. Use the email to provide your contact information and mailing address for more information.
One time financial contributions can be with Pay Pal. To do that send an email for a clickable Pay Pal link, thanks! For monthly financial supporters and those who want Pay Dirts & Concentrates as REWARDS, we have a Patreon Page Patreon Page . Also, we are seeking mining, metal detecting, camping, outdoor, and or travel related product or services sponsors who would like to see their products or perhaps a destination in the videos or gift certificates for products presented to our viewers and subscribers.
Thanks, Aaron at GTAO Vlogs. Happy
Hunting friends!!