Welcome To The YouTube Friends Ratings Club (YFRC) Blog!
People ask, "What is the YFRC?" and to put it really simply: We are a free club with the goal of helping each other's YouTube channels. We help each other's channels by 1) Liking and 2) Commenting on our fellow member's channels within 24 hours of a new video being posted and we ask they do the same for us when we post a new video. If you are interested, you can read the full rules (they are simple and common sense) later in this blog. Real simply, the YFRC is a free club based on reciprocal kindness with the goal of helping our channel's statistics.
Regardless of where you live or the content of your channel, if you can read, understand, communicate in English, and follow our rules and want to help your YouTube channel and the channels of our members, you are welcomed to the YFRC! For many reasons, the YFRC encourages "family friendly content" which means content recommended for all ages of viewers, thank you. If you heard about the club, read the simple rules, and are ready to join, please send an email with your first name and a link to, or the name of, your YouTube channel to Aaron at gtao@protonmail.com or click here to
YFRC RULES: Every YouTube Friends Ratings Club, YFRC, Member Will:
1) Follow all the rules of the YFRC within reason and in good faith or be, without delay, removed from the YFRC.
Subscribe and TURN ON (click the bell) notifications for every member
of the YFRC. For most other subscriptions it is recommended to TURN OFF
the notifications so we can easily keep track of the notifications from
the YFRC members.
Within twenty-four hours, add a Like and a brief Comment to every YFRC
member's NEW posted videos. YFRC members are
not expected to or required to watch the complete video.
4) If they miss the twenty-four hour
window after a video posts, post their likes and comments as soon
as possible after that.
Invite new potential members, regardless of their channel's content,
who are friendly, will benefit from, and be an asset to the YFRC by
providing them a link and an invite to this blog.
6) Regularly check this page and update their subscriptions to include every member of the YFRC.
YFRC members who don't regularly follow these simple rules will be removed.
PLEASE READ ON THROUGH THE FEW OLDER POSTS BELOW ABOUT THE YFRC to learn more about our members, the YFRC, and our goals. Thanks again!
YFRC Gets Rocking & Rolling with First 10 Members!!
Important points: Members are responsible to read and follow the rules. Members are responsible to stay updated with this blog, update the YFRC member list, and click the bell to get all notifications for our YFRC members. The key to this club is the RECIPROCAL KINDNESS of all YFRC members. So thankfully, the YFRC begins and we shall proceed whether or not we have 10 or more members. Please invite YouTubers who may benefit from the YFRC and who are friendly. As our member list grows, so will the positive impact for our channels. Please actively recruit new friendly members.
ROLL CALL!! YFRC members, please respond to this post with a comment to indicate that you have read, understand, and will follow our YFRC rules. Thanks everyone!!
YFRC Membership List & Channel Links
Welcome Friends! You Have Been Invited...
Consider Joining This YouTube Friend's Ratings Club (YFRC) and Here's Why:
What is YFRC? YFRC stands for YouTube Friends Ratings Club and it is a proposed way for invited friends on YouTube to join together to support each other's channels in an agreed upon, free, and reciprocal manner. This is a new idea I wanted to share with invited friendly YouTubers like you who are interested in improving their channel's YouTube ratings and rankings.
Very basically we are starting a free and volunteer club here where all members agree to visit all other member's YouTube channels to add a Like and a Comment within 24 hours of a new video being posted. This concerted effort among friends will greatly help our channels with YouTube's rankings. Please do read more if your interested in joining the YFRC.
First, for me among other things, friendship is based on kindness, empathy, and the reciprocity of them. These are the fundamentals of friendship. So, how does friendship work on YouTube? Well, it does and doesn't is the answer.
For some YouTubers, adding a response to a comment or a return comment or a subscribe for a subscribe is understood to be polite and well ...friendly. These are the kind of YouTubers I call "friends" and are the type of people I want to thank and help however I can. These are the kinds of people we need to invite to join the YFRC. We all need friends and the reciprocating type can be particularly helpful on YouTube for start up channels trying to get established and growing. As well, these are kind and considerate people who seem to be fewer and farther between these days. These are the good
people, the friendly people on YouTube who deserve our help and who we can rely on to help us and our channel because they have done so.
Importantly, we need to be selective and only invite the YouTubers
who have shown with their reciprocal likes, comments, and
subscriptions that they will be helpful to
all the YFRC members, that they know how to be friendly, and also they must have the desire to improve their channel's ratings and grow their audience. Medium and larger YouTubers and individuals who are not serious about growing their small channel may see no need for the YFRC. So the point is: Be selective with whom you invite to this blog page and we will have quality members who are an asset and follow the rules.
Second, along with subscriptions, keywords in titles and descriptions, and other metrics, YouTube measures the number of likes, dislikes, comments, shares, and the duration of the views for every video for every unique visitor and particularly they focus on the first twenty-four hours after posting.
Once a new video is posted, YouTube particularly focuses on the VIEWER PARTICIPATION (User Interaction Signals) metrics in the FIRST twenty-four hours and this is when the YFRC can have a powerful impact on our channel's ratings and rankings.
Also, these same metrics over days, weeks, and years have a big impact too and why our videos need to have value for the viewers. With these metrics, our videos rank higher or lower when a viewer searches on YouTube and when (and if) the video(s) or the channel is recommended and suggested by YouTube to prospective viewers ...OR NOT. With start up and small to medium sized YouTube channels, we all need these metrics to be positive for our channels to grow and compete and this is where true friends on YouTube can really help.
The YouTube Friends Ratings Club (YFRC) Details:
What I am proposing is a YouTube Friends Ratings Club (YFRC) where we help each other by helping our videos rank higher on YouTube's algorithms primarily within the first twenty-four hours after a member posts a video. We understand that some members will be unavailable to comment and like within the first twenty-four hours due to a vacation, an illness, losing internet access, and other various reasons. Yet, we also know that likes and comments can be easily done with a smart cell phone in a matter of minutes so these absences from the club member's obligations must be infrequent. If a member misses the first twenty-four period regularly they may be removed from the YFRC. Certainly they should as soon as possible after the twenty-four hours meet the club's requirements. There is no cost to the YFRC but regular participation and following the simple rules are requirements. This club doesn't need hundreds of members but the members we have do need to be friends to each other as described above and in the rules.
The idea is, let's say, we have thirty to forty or more members in the club. When any member posts a video, within twenty-four hours that member will receive a like and a comment from every member of this club. The comment doesn't need to be more than a couple words and should vary from video to video. Likewise, every member will do the same for every other member of the YFRC so we will need to be efficient with the amount of time spent on the likes and the comments. For members who post several times per week (or even per day) the club may need to set limits to how many videos will be helped by the YFRC each week. In this YFRC, help for every member is reciprocal from the other members and there can be no exceptions. This activity will boost our "user interaction signals" metrics tremendously and help our videos to rank much higher overall according to YouTube's algorithms. Although another important metric to YouTube is view duration, our members cannot be expected to watch the entire video. The YFRC may want to decide on what is the upper limit of our membership numbers. My thought right now is we should set the upper limit to fifty members. I know that around fifty likes and comments per video within the first twenty-four hours would help our channel's analytics greatly and be appreciated.
As well, something we should consider is a schedule of how, when, and where to Share each other's videos. I can use Twitter and Google Plus for sharing for example but do not want to use Facebook for the sharing. For my channel, I know this is a low ranking and getting shares from unique viewers can help a lot as well. For now, let's get the YFRC started and focus on Likes and Comments. In the near future, please add your suggestions about how we can add "sharing" to the rules and other possible additions or points I have not mentioned. This blog page will be where we communicate, keep track of the YFRC membership list, the rules, and stay updated. Please refrain from profanity here and treat others with the highest respect all the time. Thanks.
Proposed YFRC Rules and Member's Blog:
We will need some simple rules for the YFRC and with this blog we can add more or edit the rules. As well, we need to keep membership in this club simple and free from negativity and drama. We are only here to help each other's channels and be friendly and life is too short for anything else. Perhaps we will make great enduring friendships here as well and that would be priceless. With this blog, we can stay in communication with each other and give updates on how things are working or where we want changes, keep an updated list of rules for the YFRC, and keep an updated list of members and a link to their YouTube channel.
These are the basic rules YFRC:
Every YFRC Member Will:
1) Follow all the rules of the YFRC within reason and in good faith or be, without delay, removed from the YFRC.
2) Subscribe and TURN ON (click the bell) notifications for every member of the YFRC. For most other subscriptions it is recommended to TURN OFF the notifications so we can easily keep track of the notifications from the YFRC members.
3) Within twenty-four hours add a Like and a brief Comment to every YFRC member's posted videos. YFRC members are not expected to or required to watch the complete video.
4) If they miss the twenty-four hour
window after a video posts, post their likes and comments as soon
as possible after that.
5) Invite new potential members, regardless of their channel's content, who are friendly, will benefit from, and be an asset to the YFRC by providing them a link and an invite to this blog.
6) Regularly check this page and update their subscriptions to include every member of the YFRC.
7) Report to this blog when and if any member of the YFRC is not regularly following the above rules and ask for that members feedback about the situation.
Conclusions: With a small group of YouTube friends (YFRC) working together in a reciprocal manner to boost the User Interaction Signals for our videos soon after posting and on a regular basis we all will enjoy better YouTube rankings, get our channels recommended by YouTube (and Google) to new potential viewers, and have better results overall. The sooner we get to a few dozen members the better so please JOIN THE YFRC, invite some friendly YouTubers you know, and let's help each other's channels grow! Thanks
You were invited to this YFRC Blog page because someone noticed you know how to be a friend on YouTube and you may be an asset to and benefit from participating in this club.
Should you decide to join, please consider inviting your worthy friends from YouTube to join as well so we can grow this club to the modest upper membership limit for full effect.
Please let me know about suggested changes, edits, additions, etc. and what you think overall. This club should be easy to maintain, a cooperative effort, and really help our channels.
We hope you join the YFRC! Thanks and best wishes!
To agree with the above concepts, follow the YFRC rules, and join the club, provide a comment response to this blog post with only your FIRST name, a working email (your email will not be posted on the public blog but is needed contact info), and a link to your YouTube channel or send the same information to me with my contact link below. I will start a blog post to include the list of YFRC club members first name and a link to their video channel and this will start the club. As new members join I will add them to the blog post. Please contact me if something is unclear or doesn't work as it should. Thanks again friends!
Aaron from GTAO VLOGS To email directly: /contact/
YouTube Channel: GTAO VLOGS on YouTube
There will be days or multiple days when I cannot check or update the member list blog entry or this page. Please understand that I will as often as I can and when needed. To help and alert me, send me an email. Thanks EVERYONE!